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Attending an event

Cancel your free registration

You can cancel your free tickets to an event before the event starts. Go to "Tickets," select your order and choose "Cancel Order". If you want to cancel a single ticket in your order, contact the event organizer.

In this article

  • 1. Go to your order.
  • 2. Choose "Cancel Order".
  • 3. Check for an email from Eventbrite.

1. Go to your order.

Log in to your Eventbrite account. Then go to "Tickets" and click on your order.

2. Choose "Cancel Order".

  • Desktop — Select 'Cancel Order" (next to your order details). Then choose “Yes, cancel this order".

  • Eventbrite app — Select the three-dot menu in the upper right corner and tap “Cancel order”.

3. Check for an email from Eventbrite.

The attendee and event organizer receive an email to confirm cancellation.

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