MCC Muhsen support group interest form
Asalaam Alaikum! The Muhsen chapter at Muslim Community Center-East Bay (MCC) is in the process of creating a support group for our Muhsen families. We see the importance of creating a space to support our caregivers and siblings that need advice, someone to talk to, or the need to meet people they can relate to. If you are interested, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions/inquiries, feel free to email

What is Muhsen?
*Muhsen is a nonprofit umbrella organization serving Muslim children and adults with any intellectual, mental, or physical disability. Muhsen’s aim is to establish an inclusive and accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and their families. We provide a wide range of programs and services across North America to improve the experience within mosques, and create positive communities for those with disabilities.*
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Full Name *
Email *
Phone # *
How many family members are interested in attending? *
Would you prefer in person or virtual *
Are you a caregiver or sibling? *
Best day & time *
What special needs or disability does your child have? *
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