Thank you for sharing details about your organization with the MCC. The policy below is only for for-profit businesses and San Francisco Bay Area organizations. If you are a Bay Area nonprofit organization, please see our non-profit support policy.
The MCC is a regional masjid with a vibrant congregation focused daily on finding faith through the community. Each day, we aim to open our doors wider and become a welcoming space for everyone who enters our facility, allowing them to experience what a community should feel like.
The MCC has specific guidelines on how our organization supports community businesses:
- For East Bay restaurants, hundreds of worshipers visit our Jumu’ah prayer services each Friday. Since its founding in 2010 at its present location, the MCC lunch team has ordered about 150 takeout lunch boxes each Friday so that worshipers to its weekly three have a convenient avenue to get lunch as they head back to work or school. A restaurant or catering must have a business license and insurance. We do not order home-cooked food. The volunteer team will take care of selling the food items. The MCC East Bay is a green masjid, so we ask vendors not to send food in styrofoam (only compostable food takeout containers). Please message our programming team at to be considered for this program. For non-restaurant food establishments, like food trucks and bakeries, please message us and ask to be added to our community vendor list for consideration during our carnivals, bazaars, Iftars, and other community socials.
- For community businesses & For-profit Community Organizations, The MCC currently does not have the means to share community businesses or for-profit community events/activities with our congregation. If you’d like to consider partnering with MCC to host your program, please submit details on our suggestion form. The MCC Events Committee will determine if your organization’s partnership fits our regional focus and programming ethos. We also no longer have a community board in our foyer. We have a digital community board that is shared with MCC staff only. Those staff members, working closely with the community daily, can then share your details with community members as appropriate.
- The MCC Jumu’ahs, newsletter & social media channels are reserved for MCC programming. Brimming with activities for our subscribers, our weekly events newsletter (subscribe at is sent out at 5 p.m. each Thursday. We hold back internal events at MCC each week to prevent overwhelming our subscribers or clipping in their inboxes. We do not have a Community Events section for our Bay Area nonprofits to promote other events. We also do not make announcements or allow promotions during Jumu’ah services. The only exception to this policy is for Bay Area nonprofit organizations. Our partner masjid, the SBIA in San Jose, advertises paid community events and organizations. Contact for pricing.
- MCC Website Sorry, we do not allow advertising on We are a 100 percent ad-free, spam-free and sponsor-free website. MCC is for community members sincerely looking to find faith in the community. And as daunting as a task, the last thing we want is for our sisters and brothers to be distracted by ads, banners, and pop-ups. The data of our congregation is private, and we will not let any outside company market to them.
- Community sponsorship requests. We appreciate the many causes, banquets, and invitations to sponsor events and fundraisers. Except for our community strategic partners, MCC does not support events, fundraisers, or crowdfunding campaigns. We ask that individuals apply directly with us for financial assistance, food, burial assistance, or an in-house scholarship. You may also submit details on our digital community board.
- Zakat/Sadaqa: Our Zakat and Sadaqa funds are reserved only for families in the East Bay (generally Alameda and Contra Costa counties), and the MCC Zakat/Sadaqa Committee stewards each fund. We do not reallocate or transfer our congregation’s donations to other organizations.
- The MCC facility is available for rental. Community organizations and businesses may rent the facility rentals for approved programming. However, a nonprofit may not rent any portion of the MCC for a fundraiser or perform fundraising during a private event. Approval of a nonprofit event is subject to the Board of Director’s approval.