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Isra & Me’raj: The Sacred Ascension | Shaykh Faraz Khan

Join Shaykh Faraz Khan for a faith-affirming evening to learn lessons from the Prophet’s blessed heavenly ascension: Al-Isra wal-Mi'raj. The Bay Area Muslim community annually commemorates a momentous occasion in […]

Monthly Sisterhood Halaqa | Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Join Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi for our monthly in-person and online gathering for women (ages 18+) to commune, reflect, discuss, and gain strength and support from each other. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. […]

Monthly Sisterhood Halaqa | Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Join Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi for our monthly in-person and online gathering for women (ages 18+) to commune, reflect, discuss, and gain strength and support from each other. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. […]