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Young Men Pre-Ramadan Manliness Conference

Assalamu Alaikum. The response from Tri-Valley parents of teen boys regarding this new initiative has been overwhelming. *We are positively full for in-person attendance.* The waitlist is open for in-person attendance. Otherwise, the live-stream option is still open: For young men ages 13-19! Join your fellow brothers for an inaugural conference to kick start the […]

Pre-Ramadan Storytime for Children | Sr. Eman Kourtam

A Joyful Ramadan Story and Planner for kids! Zain and Mima are so excited that Ramadan is here! They want to fast, just like their parents. Their Mama tells them they can try but explains that Ramadan is not only about fasting. Ramadan is also about being the best people we can be! Join Zain […]

Skygazing for Ramadan Moon

Revive the Sunnah to go outside and look for the new crescent moon in the evening sky that will mark the beginning of Ramadan. Join us in the MCC parking lot at sunset (7 p.m.) on Sunday, March 10, and join in the excitement when the young crescent moon (hilal) ushers in the Holy Month of […]

Al Ghazali for Children | Sr. Aisha Gray Henry

For children ages 5 to 12: Children’s Author Aisha Gray Henry, the charismatic founder of the Ghazali’s Children Project, talks to our children about the timeless teachings of Al-Ghazali in this four-part Ramadan workshop series.  This Ramadan, children will be read a story from the Al-Ghazali series (book 24), which talks about fasting of the […]

Nightly Taraweeh Prayers

Based on moonsighting on the evening of Sunday, March 10, the first night of Taraweeh prayers at MCC will begin at 9 p.m. on Monday, March 11. In Ramadan 2024, Qari Amar Bellaha will recite regular 20 rakats (cycles) at MCC’s nightly indoor Taraweeh, which will begin after Isha at 9 p.m. (first week), and 9:15 […]

Special Needs Prayer Room During Taraweeh

For our beloved special-needs families! We want you to enjoy Ramadan just like everyone else. Alhamdulillah, this year, during the daily Taraweeh prayers, MCC is providing a prayer room (Room 16) just for special needs children and adults. We will also live-stream the Taraweeh prayers in the room for everyone. We are not providing respite […]

Daily Juz Recitation

In Ramadan 2024, Qari Amar Bellaha will recite regular rakats (cycles) at MCC’s nightly indoor Taraweeh, beginning after Isha at 9 p.m. In addition, Qari Amar will virtually recite one chapter daily in his sonorous voice. The daily recitation (schedule) is broadcast after Asr prayer daily from 6:15 p.m. to about 7 p.m. on MCC’s Facebook and YouTube. Questions?

Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

MCC ’24 Singles Iftar Week One

MCC is honored to host a nightly dinner for all our single brothers & sisters. The singles Iftar is suspended only on Saturdays and joins the community-wide Iftar. The singles Iftar space is in the room next to the kitchen. Map: Singles Iftar registration for the new week opens at noon on Saturdays: RSVP is required […]

MCC ’24 Singles Iftar Week One

MCC is honored to host a nightly dinner for all our single brothers & sisters. The singles Iftar is suspended only on Saturdays and joins the community-wide Iftar. The singles Iftar space is in the room next to the kitchen. Map: Singles Iftar registration for the new week opens at noon on Saturdays: RSVP is required […]

MCC ’24 Singles Iftar Week One

MCC is honored to host a nightly dinner for all our single brothers & sisters. The singles Iftar is suspended only on Saturdays and joins the community-wide Iftar. The singles Iftar space is in the room next to the kitchen. Map: Singles Iftar registration for the new week opens at noon on Saturdays: RSVP is required […]

Youth Kahf Recitation

Listen to a young MCC Hifz/Advanced Qur'an student studying with Qari Amar Bellaha recite the important Friday Surah al-Kahf with English subtitles at noon each Friday in Ramadan '24. These recitations are part of the MCC Mic Check series, a teen-initiated effort when a youth in the East Bay expresses their love for the Qur'an […]