Join us for a town hall meeting with the MCC Board of Directors, Construction Committee, and Staff to engage and inform the congregation of MCC’s long-term goals to support our mission of helping our congregation find faith through the community.
Our programs shifted and largely went online during the last couple of years during the pandemic and our human services have dramatically increased. We’re sure that all of this change has raised questions, and now that the dust has settled, it’s a good time for an MCC Town Hall where we can address our questions together.
We will also announce an exciting new Mental Health Clinic partnership at MCC and address questions about Fall programming in our popular Friday night youth program and the Youth Director role at MCC.
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. | Friday, June 24 | Conference Room or watch online at
- – 6 p.m. – Dinner food sales begin from El Halal Amigos in the MCC parking lot
- – 6:30 p.m. – Asr prayer in Prayer Hall
- – 7:30 p.m. – Townhall begins in the Conference Room
- – 8 p.m. – Q&A begins (in person and with questions on live stream)
- – 8:37 – Maghrib prayer in Prayer Hall
- – 9 p.m. – Food sales end from El Halal Amigos end (unless food runs out ahead of time)
If you’d like to submit your feedback, comments, and question(s) beforehand, email them to
MCC’s leadership is privileged to serve our community. We know that when people express their vision of what their mosque could be, they are more likely to want to work to make it look like that vision. Talking and dreaming about the future energizes and gives hope. Join us at this congregation town hall meeting in order to get input on new church programs and activities, as well as to ‘float’ new ideas. It is an opportunity for you to present your ideas and to help others to develop their ideas as well as how to grow our masjid and reach out to the community.
Our other quarterly MCC town halls in 2022:
- – 6 p.m. on Sunday, October 2, 2022
- – 5 p.m. on Sunday, December 11, 2022
May Allah (swt) bless our masjid, keep our community united, and give our leadership the ability to serve the community to the best of their abilities. Ameen.