Rabbi Judith Seid (Tri-Valley Cultural Jews) and Br. Omar Naisam (MCC East Bay) speak about the calendar their respective religion/congregation uses and highlights some of their important observances, their significance, and how they are celebrated.
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. (optional breakout discussion from 8 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) | Conference Room | Join in person or watch virtually at mcceastbay.org/live
Questions? events@mcceastbay.org
Doors open at 6:40 p.m.
– More Interfaith events: HTTP://mcceastbay.org/interfaith
Omar Naisan is a Ph.D. student in the Historical & Cultural Studies of Religion program at the Graduate Theological Union. He holds a Master of Arts in New Testament also from the Graduate Theological Union. His published MA thesis is titled “Decrypting the Son of Man Problem: An Inquiry into the Dominant Approaches to the Son of Man Problem and its Conspicuous Application in Mark 8:27-31.” His interests include comparative theology, philology in religious corpora, and historical-critical studies of religious canons.
Rabbi Judith Seid is a graduate of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism’s Rabbinic and Cantorial programs and holds a masters degree in Jewish Communal Studies from Hebrew Union College. A graduate of the Secular Shule movement, she taught in and directed several Secular Jewish supplemental schools and directed the Ann Arbor Jewish Cultural Society for many years. She founded the Baltimore Jewish Cultural Chavurah in 1998 and Tri-Valley Cultural Jews in  2005. She is the author of God-Optional Judaism: Alternatives for Cultural Jews Who Love Their History, Heritage and Community, a handbook for Jews looking for creative and meaningful new ways to express their own way of being Jewish, as well as of We Rejoice in Our Heritage: Home Rituals for Secular and Humanistic Jews, and the creative editor of Kumzits! A Festivity of Instant Jewish Songs. She is the parent of three fourth-generation secularists and the ecstatic grandmother of 2.
She likes to sing, loves dogs, and would rather dance than eat. She also laughs more than is strictly necessary.