Join Ustadh Ibrahim Qureshi for a step-by-step workshop covering preparation for the journey of Umrah, fiqh, rights & responsibilities, visiting the Prophet ﷺ, and more spiritual aspects! We will set our intention to have sincerity, manner (adab), patience, and gratitude. This open session is most beneficial for people planning to perform Umrah soon.
6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. | Monday, January 29 | MCC Conference Room | Join in person or watch virtually at mcceastbay.org/live
Cosponsored by the Foundation for Islamic Scholarship and Teaching (FIST). Hosted by MCC East Bay.
FIST, with support from the community, is sponsoring 23 people to go to Umrah ’24 on February 11, 2024. Founded in 2016, the Foundation for Islamic Scholarship and Teaching (FIST) is a private, non-profit corporation created to provide financial support and assistance to scholars and students of classical Islam.
Questions? events@mcceastbay.org
- – To sponsor Umrah trips, send donations via Zelle to donate@islamicscholarship.org
- – To feed the poor in Madinah, send donations via Zelle to miskinmedina@gmail.com
- – To nominate a community hero in the San Francisco Bay Area: HTTP://mcceastbay.org/community-hero
- – More Ustadh Ibrahim: HTTP://mcceastbay.org/ibrahim
- – More Hajj & Umrah talks: HTTP://mcceastbay.org/hajj
Umrah for the Unrecognized
In our Heroes for Umrah/Hajj program, we take the unsung heroes and unrecognized, long-standing volunteers of our local communities who lack financial means to the blessed cities of Mecca and Medina accompanied by notable scholars who teach them before and during their travels. Upon return, these heroes present educational reflections for the wider community.
“Those who spend their wealth in the Cause of Allah and do not follow up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury, their reward is with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” – Surah al-Baqara, 2:262

Pervez Qureshi serves as the chairman of the board of trustees for Zaytuna College. He has served as CEO of multiple companies, with decades of experience in the information technology and service industries. He continues to advise technology companies, serves on numerous corporate boards, and is a co-founder and a Board of Trustee member of the Muslim Community Center of East Bay (MCC East Bay), one of the largest Muslim centers in the San Francisco Bay area.