September 11, 2021

Dr. Haifaa Younis Visits MCC

Since shelter in place began in March 2020, the lament from the MCC facility was palpable: each Friday night, our community center’s walls seemed uneasy, asking, “where are the children, where are the seekers” – missing our community members who traveled in weekly from across the Bay Area for our Friday night programming.

Last night, the Friday night light returned.

From Missouri, Dr. Haifaa Younis honored us with her presence and insightful words and brought with her two of our dear local teachers – Dr. Rania Awaad and Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi – for a spiritual homecoming after these Ustadhas had not stepped into our facility since the start of the pandemic.

We are eternally grateful to Dr. Haifaa for easing the frustration of our facility and inaugurating an upcoming exciting new era of Friday night programming and classes at MCC.

Co Hosted with The Rahmah Foundation, listen to Dr. Haifaa’s talk at