July 19, 2023

Satellite Jumu'ah @ Library Update

Alhamdulliah, attendance at Jumu’ahs continues its strong growth trajectory. On August 18, MCC begins an offsite Jumua’h to support our thriving community.

This week, the Pleasanton School District notified us that their staff is not moving into our neighboring facility due to construction delays. We may continue using their parking lot until Friday, August 11.

Starting Friday, August 18, MCC has rented the Community Room at Dublin Library for a satellite Jumu’ah until the end of 2023. This weekly service – from 1:40 p.m. to 2:10 p.m. – will ease parking congestion at our first Jumu’ah.

For this to work, we need at least 100 worshipers from MCC’s first Jumu’ah to commit to attending the offsite Jumu’ah at the Library. Please sign up.