
Prison Support

MCC is privileged to serve in California prisons and jails.

Since 2020, MCC has been privileged to serve Muslim Chaplains at the 20 prisons in California and bring the beauty of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to prisoners who are Muslim or who are learning about Islam.

We have distributed over 15,000 books, CDs, DVDs, pamphlets, prayer mats, prayer beads, hijabs, Qur’ans, and kufis. Since 2021, each Ramadan, MCC has also provided three dates per day for each of the nearly 2,000 inmates in California’s 20 prisons.

We cover all prisons and jails in Northern California and work with Link Outside and the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California to provide materials and Ramadan dates each year to prisons in Southern California.

MCC’s prison service has been a privilege and one of the most rewarding aspects of service we’ve experienced.

If you have items to donate to our incarcerated sisters and brothers, please email us at

Muslims in Prisons | Mosque Behind Bars

An oft-neglected segment of our community, Muslim prisoners face many daily challenges when practicing their faith. These challenges include the availability of halal food, being able to wear religious head coverings, and even praying together.

Studies* have revealed that:Muslims only comprise about 1% of the U.S. population, representing 9% of the prison population.90% of incarcerated Muslims are converts.Several prisons ban or severely restrict group religious activities.Muslim prisoners often have their religious property (such as prayer rugs, beads, and Qur’ans) mishandled or confiscated.

Islamic Materials in Prison

Since the start of the pandemic, area Muslim Prison Chaplains have been trying to keep up with the demand from Muslim inmates and those interested in Islam for faith-based literature. The inmates have more time to read and worship in quarantine for long stretches.

Since 2020, the MCC congregation has heeded the call en masse and helped our hundreds of incarcerated brothers in two area prisons. We are asking our community members to scour your home for unused Qur’ans, Islamic books and booklets, prayer beads and prayer mats, CDS, cassettes and DVDs, and kufis and thobes that are gathering dust and bring them to MCC so the Chaplains can distribute to the Muslims they serve each day.

If you have items to donate, email us at

Faith Identity is More Important Than Ever

During this COVID-19 pandemic, faith became a critical component for the inmates, and these Islamic materials are essential items, providing them an identity with their Islamic faith community.

During shelter-in-place, the fleeting commodity we have a bit more of is time, and this precious resource will be fast fleeting once we return to a semblance of normalcy. For inmates, time will remain the commodity they can leverage. Help them do that by donating new and used Islamic items.

Through this project, we will be supporting the Muslim Chaplains at California Medical Facility in Vacaville, Pelican Bay State Prison in Crescent City, and Avenal State Prison amongst others.

An oft-neglected segment of our community, Muslim prisoners face many daily challenges when it comes to practicing their faith. These challenges include the availability of halal food, wearing religious head coverings, having access to religious materials, and even praying together.


Monetary Donation

As an Endowment Fund, this is a sadaqa jariya (ongoing charity) where your donations will bear fruit for decades. You can also donate on behalf of loved ones who have passed away. The MCC uses sadaqa funds to support our incarcerated sisters and brothers. Donate here.