Jumu’ah Tabling for Bay Area Nonprofits

*Tabling moratorium during Ramadan is in effect. Please submit your request for a Friday date after Ramadan.*

Request for a Bay Area Nonprofit to Table During Friday Jumu’ah Prayers

We believe in providing our congregation with opportunities each Friday to learn about San Francisco Bay Area organizations that empower lives in our community, nation, and the world. See how we do this!

Local nonprofits (headquartered or founded in the Bay Area or with an affiliate physical non-residential office here (not including nonprofits with activities and operations in the Bay Area) may request a Friday table every six months, except in Ramadan, to bring awareness to an event, fundraiser, or project. MCC will not announce an event at Jumu’ah without the presence of a nonprofit representative.

MCC does not accommodate international or national organizations without a local presence. However, MCC may grant an exception for a national nonprofit addressing an emergency humanitarian crisis. MCC does not positively accommodate guest Khutbah sermons paired with sermons or post‐prayer donation appeals.

The weekly Friday Jumu’ah times are on our prayer page. Please plan to table during all services and to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the first service for setup. MCC will provide one 6-foot rectangular table set in the foyer area. The nonprofit may put out a donation box and place a credit-swiping option for donations while tabling at MCC.

Important: Please submit your request on this page only if you represent a San Francisco Bay Area nonprofit. If you are a non-Bay Area nonprofit (i.e., a national organization without a local physical office) asking for an exception to our policy, please contact the MCC Board of Directors and state why your nonprofit deserves an exception. Please do not submit a request on this page.

Nonprofits that will be tabling are blocked off on the MCC Master Calendar. Please check for available Fridays before submitting your request. MCC will provide one folding table 6′ for non-profits to use in the MCC foyer. Please bring your tablecloth. Nonprofits may not use more than one folding table. Along with their organization materials, nonprofits may bring a donation box and/or credit card donation processing device.

Questions? operations@mcceastbay.org 

Address (must be a physical office address in the Bay Area)(Required)
Your Name(Required)

Minimum of Two Proposed Friday Dates:

MCC allows a maximum of two nonprofit organizations to table in its foyer each Friday. MCC does not accomodate tabling at anytime during Ramadan.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.

    Check each box on this checklist to confirm a complete application and that you agree to abide by our tabling guidelines:

    1. Jumu'ah Time Review(Required)
    Please plan for your staff/volunteers to attend all three services at MCC: – March to November at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. – November to March at 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.and 2:30 p.m. Please visit this page to confirm our weekly Friday service times and locations.
    2. Non-Profit Status Showing Local Relevance(Required)
    3. Agreement with MCC's Terms for Jumuah Tabling(Required)
    4. Supporting Bay Area Nonprofits(Required)
    For questions, please review MCC’s nonprofit support policy: http://mcceastbay.org/nonprofit
    5. Parking at MCC Jumu'ah Prayer Services(Required)
    Please review the parking lot site map at http://mcceastbay.org/district