For teenage boys ages 13 to 19: After the nightly Taraweeh ends on Friday night, join us for a night of Qiyam led by Sidi Qur’an Hodge to connect with Allah (swt) and gain the blessings of this blessed month.
Friday, March 7 | After Taraweeh prayers end (~10:30 p.m.) until Fajr (5 a.m.) | MCC Conference Room | $5/person; capped at 50 | Boys ages 13 to 19 | Regiser at
About the Facilitator
Qur’an Hodge is a Bay Area native. He began his Islamic education in 2019, studying Arabic at the Al Maqasid Seminary in Pennsylvania. Sidi Quran continued to Dar Al Mustafa, a Yemeni Islamic university in Tarim, Hadhramaut. At this Islamic seminary founded by Habib Umar bin Hafiz, Sidi Qur’an studied Ibtidaiyya, Hadith, Aqida, Seerah, Nahw, Quran Hifzdh, Kitaba, and Tafseer in classical Arabic.
Sidi Quran Hodge has completed certificates in Taleef Collective’s Refining the Core and Zaytuna College’s Permaculture Program. He is passionate about creatively working on community issues, particularly the challenges Muslim youth face. He lives with his wife and child in Castro Valley.