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Sisters Stretching and Pilates Classes | Seema Duhan

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton

For Sisters Only: Join us for a transformative body and mind experience every Saturday and Sunday morning with a Pilates Instructor. Stretch your muscles, shape your body, and relax your mind. The recommended age is 40+ for Stretching Classes and 20+ for Pilates Classes. Stretching sessions are from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and Pilates […]


Prophetic Seerah through Grappling | Sidi Muhammad Elmarouk

Discover the Prophetic Seerah through Prophetic Grappling! For male teens ages 12-19! Join us in an immersive experience where you will learn the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad through grappling art. Engage in active drills and techniques replicating how the Prophet and His Sahaba wrestled. Real-life Wrestling Drills: Practice positional grappling with your peers in […]