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Jumu’ah Services @ MCC & Dublin Library

For MCC's four Jumu'ah services on Friday, February 9, 2024: Please attend at 12:30 or 2:30 p.m. to avoid heavier second-service congestion whenever possible. Please note that the former HP lot (now Pleasanton School District) is no longer available to our congregation. Please come to the first and fourth Jumuah to ease up parking congestion […]

Voting Drive @ Three MCC Jumu’ahs

CAIR San Francisco Bay Area will be at MCC for three consecutive Fridays during Jumu'ahs to register voters before the primary elections on March 5th and equip voters to vote in the upcoming election. CAIR staff and volunteers will be at the three MCC Jumu'ahs on these Fridays: February 2, February 9, and February 16. […]

Youth Halaqa for High School Boys | Muhammed Constantino

For boys ages 14-18 (strict age limit)! Join us over three Friday nights with Br. Muhammed Constantino to discuss beginner-level deen topics and touch on issues/experiences you currently face or want to discuss. Each session will center on a theme of Prophetic Character. Fridays, Feb. 16th, Feb. 23rd, March 8th | 6:30 p.m. - 8 […]

Dr. Rania Awaad’s Weekly Friday Evening Halaqa

Ustadha Dr. Rania Awaad holds a weekly Friday evening women’s gathering about navigating contemporary issues. This program runs in parallel to the Friday night girl's halaqa. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. […]

American Islam in the 20th Century | Imam Sundiata Rashid

February is Black History Month! Join us as we discuss and illuminate early traditional Black Islamic movements in the U.S. that have provided the shoulders we stand on today. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. | Friday, February 14 | Free | MCC Prayer Hall | Join us in-person only or watch virtually at This event […]

Monthly Saturday Dhikr/Support Circle | Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Join Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi for monthly in-person women-only dhikr circles filled with recitation, reflection, and Salawat. This monthly Sisters Healing & Du’ah Circle is here to support sisters experiencing grief/loss, marital challenges, parenting challenges, health challenges, caring for elderly parents/loved ones, isolation, etc.  Saturday, Dec. 16 | 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. | Conference Room | In-person only […]

Private Event

Conference Room & Banquet Hall

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (in-person) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

Join our weekly sisters' in-person & virtual Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid and will begin reading Volume 2. Every Monday in-person & virtual | […]

Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

The Soul’s Journey (virtual) | Sidi Shahryar Abbasi

Join Sidi Shahryar Abbasi every Wednesday until Ramadan '24 at 7 p.m. virtually to dive into the text, The Lives of Man, by Imam Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad where we understand life's purpose, through the five stages of our journey to Allah (swt). Hosted at Lighthouse Mosque. Streamed only on MCC media channels. Watch past […]