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Principles of Religion: Manners III | Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh facilitates a 45-minute live Zoom session for sisters on the principles of religion, such as acts of worshipping Allah (swt), the good character of a Muslim, and more. These talks will be recorded and made publicly available on MCC’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Ustadha Nihad is using the book, "The Forty in the Fundamentals […]

Hidaya Collection Drive @ Jumu’ah

Help our less fortunate sisters and brothers around the world this Friday. Hidaya Foundation will be in the MCC parking lot during our three Jumu'ah services (1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.) on Friday, Oct. 11. The collection truck staff will give you a tax-deductible receipt. A $10 donation is necessary per bag to help cover […]

Maristan Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

Maristan offers culturally and religiously tailored mental health services for individuals to explore well-being within their faith. They aim to raise awareness about mental health in Muslim communities and beyond, breaking down stigmas and fostering a supportive environment for holistic healing. Visit their table this Friday to learn about their support programs, resources, and a clinic […]

Friday Night Boys High School Halaqa | Sidi Quran Hodge

Join MCC Youth Activities Facilitator Sidi Quran Hodge for weekly Friday evening basketball & halaqa sessions for teen high school boys from 9th through 12th grade. These sessions aim to craft our next generation of confident, faithful Muslim men. These halaqas are for only teens ages 14-18—no younger boys. The sessions are capped at 30 […]