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Friday Night Women’s Halaqa (Virtual)

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Friday Night Halaqas are online for summer! Join Ustadha Shamira Chothia Ahmed for weekly halaqa on Friday nights.7 p.m. to 8 p.m. | Starts June 2 | Every Friday during Summer | To join virtually, register at Ustadha Shamira will resume The Beginning of Guidance series from last summer.Ustadha Shamira Chothia began her journey in […]

Bay Area Homeschool Open House

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Muslim parents are increasingly turning to full-time Islamic schools or homeschooling as a haven for their children from public schools antagonistic to their values. As waitlists grow at Islamic schools, frustrated parents are unsure what to do next. Join us in discussing homeschooling with Education Consultant Shaheen Rasheed of Soulful Studies and meeting with representatives […]

Private Event

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Conference Room & Banquet Hall.

Free Medical Clinic | UCSF Muslim Medical Student Association & MCC East Bay

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join us for a free clinic day with local Muslim health providers & medical students to get free health screenings, learn about your health through nutrition and health counseling, learn about preventative care, and more. Saturday, Aug. 12 | 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. | Join in person or watch specific health talks that will […]

The Prophetic Model of Teaching | Shaykh Rami Nsour

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join us on a Saturday evening with Shaykh Rami Nsour to uncover timeless wisdom and learn effective teaching techniques using the prophetic model. Registered attendees will get a free workbook that accompanies the workshop.Saturday, Aug. 12 | 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. | MCC Conference Room | Join in-person or watch virtually at | […]

The Code of Conduct – Surah Hujurat | Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda and Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Where do we find our ethics and morals? Is it within the books of the everchanging philosophies of the day or rather primarily within the Book of Allah? We find our guidance primarily within the methodologies of Allah (swt) and His Messenger, Muhammad (saw). Join us for a Sunday evening with two esteemed scholars, Shaykh […]

Women Around the Messenger (saw) (Virtual)

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh facilitates a 45-minute live Zoom session for sisters (posted the following day publicly on MCC’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram) on the biographies of the women around the time of our beloved Messenger (saw) the critical role they played in the overall development of their society, right from the beginning. 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. PST | Tuesdays | 12 consecutive weeks […]

Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

American Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month: Dublin City Council

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States   At 7 p.m. on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, the Dublin City Council will join communities throughout the State of California in recognizing August 2023 as Muslim Appreciation and Awareness Month. Sr. Eman Tai will accept the Proclamation on behalf of Tri-Valley Muslims. The MCC encourages all congregation members to attend in person, watch the live stream, and […]

Mommy & Me Toddler Islamic Playgroup

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

In this five-week summer session, our toddlers and pre-schoolers (ages 1-5) will develop a love for Islam, Allah (swt), and RasulAllah (saw) through book reading, sing-alongs, Parachute Time, activities, and more! Thursdays, July 27, August 3, 10, 17 & 24 | 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. | Conference Room | $70 for five sessions or […]

Private Event

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Conference Room

MAITRI Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Maitri is a South Asian agency that helps survivors of domestic violence lead lives of dignity and self-sufficiency through holistic programs. Please visit their booth for information about the transitional home and other services. They also run a transitional home for battered women and give them resources to rehabilitate themselves. For further information, please go to