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New Muslim Brunch | MCC Convert Care Team

For Converts and Friends/Family: Join us over a brunch to keep the connections alive and to stay connected with people who bring beauty and Deen into our lives! Indulge in fluffy […]

Monthly Sisterhood Hike | Sisters in the Outdoors

Join us from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 4, for a Sunday morning hike at Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore to get to know other sisters in the community […]

Mommy and Me Fall ’24 Session | MCC’s Mommy & Me Program

In this five-week fall session, our toddlers and pre-schoolers (ages 1-5) will develop love for Islam, Allah (swt), and RasulAllah (saw) through book reading, sing-alongs, Parachute Time, activities, and more! Thursdays, 8/1, 8/8, 8/15, 8/22, & 8/29 | 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. | Conference Room | $70 for five sessions or $20 per session | […]

MCC Girl Scout Troop 30875 Bake Sale @ MCC Jumu’ahs

Support our MCC Girl Scouts Troop 30875 Bake Sale! The girls are raising funds for their Silver Award Project, which focuses on assisting children cope with mental health issues. Questions?

Human Appeal Inc. Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

Human Appeal is holding its second annual event, Together for Gaza, at Fremont Marriott on Sunday, August 18. The event will feature Sh. Yasir Qadhi and Dalia Mogahed. You can purchase […]

Jumu’ah Services @ MCC & Rosewood

For MCC's four Jumu'ah services on Friday, Aug. 9, 2024: *Please attend at 2:30 or 3:40 p.m. @ MCC to avoid heavier first-service congestion whenever possible. Please note that the […]