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Pre Eid al-Adha Bazar

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Before the Eid day festivities, come to MCC to do some shopping from community vendors at our Annual Pre-Eid al-Adha Bazar! 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. | Sunday, June 9 […]

Kids & Youth Islamic Summer Camp | Indira Kaljo

For Boys & Girls Ages 5-16: Join us over three weeks for a unique summer camp that will strengthen your child’s Deen through play, education, arts, and physical activities. We will […]

Family Support Classes | Dr. Carmen Gomez

In providing hope & help for Muslim families around the country with a loved one struggling with an addiction, MCC & Madina House co-hosts a weekly family-and-friends virtual meeting for […]

*Postponed till July* Kids Arts & Crafts Summer Camp | Emira Mustafa

*Postponed till July* For Children Aged 5-10: Join us for an arts and crafts summer camp, where children will engage in weekly themes through crafts, Islamic storytimes, and discussions.Tuesday & Thursday | 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | June 4th till August 1st | $90/week (all materials included) | Register at Please register for each week you […]

Principles of Religion: Manners | Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh

Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh facilitates a 45-minute live Zoom session for sisters on the principles of religion, such as acts of worshipping Allah (swt), the good character of a Muslim, and more. These […]

Interfaith Chat: When Bad Things Happen

Interfaith Interconnect of the Tri-Valley and MCC co-host a virtual religious chat with Omar Naisan, representing MCC East Bay, and Wanda Ostler, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, on how […]

*Postponed till July* Kids Arts & Crafts Summer Camp | Emira Mustafa

*Postponed till July* For Children Aged 5-10: Join us for an arts and crafts summer camp, where children will engage in weekly themes through crafts, Islamic storytimes, and discussions.Tuesday & Thursday | 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | June 4th till August 1st | $90/week (all materials included) | Register at Please register for each week you […]