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Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

Save Life: Rabbit Adoption Event | House Rabbit Society

After the two Jumu’ah services at MCC on Friday, hop on over to the MCC Banquet Hall, where the House Rabbit Society will be showcasing adorable bunnies all set for adoption into their forever homes! Friday, August 2 | 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. | MCC Banquet Hall | Free; no RSVP required to attend […]

MCC Girl Scout Troop 30875 Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

MCC Girl Scouts Troop 30875 is selling arts and craft-related items as part of its fundraiser initiative for the Bronze Award Project, which aims to raise awareness of Ramadan and […]

Jumu’ah Services @ MCC & Rosewood

For MCC's four Jumu'ah services on Friday, Aug. 2, 2024: Please attend at 2:30 or 3:40 p.m. @ MCC to avoid heavier first-service congestion whenever possible. Please note that the […]

New Muslim Brunch | MCC Convert Care Team

For Converts and Friends/Family: Join us over a brunch to keep the connections alive and to stay connected with people who bring beauty and Deen into our lives! Indulge in fluffy waffles and many other treats for everyone. Saturday, Aug. 3 | 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.| Banquet Hall | In-person only | RSVP at – How […]

Monthly Sisterhood Hike | Sisters in the Outdoors

Join us from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 4, for a Sunday morning hike at Sycamore Grove Park in Livermore to get to know other sisters in the community […]