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*Rescheduled* Self-Defense & Boxing Fitness for Sisters | Amber Leibrock

*Full. Please join the waitlist.* Recent tragedies against Muslims across the country & the familiar rise in hate attacks in this Presidential Election year make us duty-bound to learn grappling countermeasures. A professional athlete will show you how to fend off unwanted physical contact, like a Hijab pull. Max 26 attendees. Ages 14+ only. $10/person. 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. […]

Pathways To Paradise: Embracing Ramadan’s Blessings

As Ramadan draws near, we are reminded of Allah's infinite mercy and the numerous ways we can attain it. The multiple gates of Jannah exemplify this mercy, each acknowledging the varied paths we take in our journey toward Allah. In Ramadan, the blessings are magnified, and the nights are filled with divine light. This blessed month […]

Nisf-e-Shabaan Program

Join Qari Amar Bellaha and a special guest speaker for a faith-affirming evening to learn lessons from one of the five blessed nights when duas are accepted, according to Imam […]

1st Islamic Virtual Cemetery Project

Join us on Sunday afternoon for a presentation by the innovative team responsible for creating a virtual perspective of Muslim cemeteries, followed by a shrouding workshop. We will learn about the project, how it started, and who can benefit from it.Sunday, Feb. 25 | 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. | MCC Conference Room | Join […]

Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

The Soul’s Journey (virtual) | Sidi Shahryar Abbasi

Join Sidi Shahryar Abbasi every Wednesday until Ramadan '24 at 7 p.m. virtually to dive into the text, The Lives of Man, by Imam Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad where we understand life's purpose, through the five stages of our journey to Allah (swt). Hosted at Lighthouse Mosque. Streamed only on MCC media channels. Watch past […]

Blood Drive @ Jumu’ah

As people of faith, it is in our blood to help. With a 15-minute blood donation, you can be part of a lifesaving journey that could save up to three lives. The MCC community has saved nearly 350 lives! This is our 26th blood drive during Jumu’ah. Each blood drive has always been fully booked […]

ICNA Relief Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

ICNA Relief USA strives to build healthy communities, strengthen families, and create opportunities for those in despair while maintaining their dignity. They provide caring and compassionate services to victims of adversities […]

Las Positas College Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

Las Positas College is promoting its Arts and Humanities classes, which include free English as a second language courses, certificate programs, and associate degrees. There are financial aid opportunities for […]

Jumu’ah Services @ MCC & Dublin Library

For MCC's four Jumu'ah services on Friday, March 1, 2024: Please attend at 12:30 or 2:30 p.m. to avoid heavier second-service congestion whenever possible. Please note that the former HP lot (now Pleasanton School District) is no longer available to our congregation. Please come to the first and fourth Jumuah to ease up parking congestion […]