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East Bay Tahajjud Tigers: Tahajjud, Witr & Fajr in Congregation

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Our Lord, Blessed, and Exalted is He, descends (i.e., His mercy and concern descends) to the lowest heaven when the final third of the night remains and says, “Who is there to call on Me so I may answer them? Who is […]

Private Event

Banquet Hall & PCPH Classrooms

Weekend Retreat with Shaykh Samer Al-Nass

Learn about the forty hadith on the Virtues of Dhikr of Allah (swt) & on Prophet Muhammad's (saw) intercession (also known as Shifa' al-Kubra) with Shaykh Samer Al-Nass at the weekend intensive. Shaykh Samer is a renowned scholar of Qur'an, Tafsir, and Hadith. Ijaza with Sanad (certificate) will be given to the attendees.  Forty Hadith on The Virtue of Dhikr of […]

Weekend Retreat with Shaykh Samer Al-Nass

Learn about the forty hadith on the Virtues of Dhikr of Allah (swt) & on Prophet Muhammad's (saw) intercession (also known as Shifa' al-Kubra) with Shaykh Samer Al-Nass at the weekend intensive. Shaykh Samer is a renowned scholar of Qur'an, Tafsir, and Hadith. Ijaza with Sanad (certificate) will be given to the attendees.  Forty Hadith on The Virtue of Dhikr of […]

*Postponed* Remosqued: Cultivating Intentional Community | Imam Ahmed Deeb & Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Due to travel delays from two panelists, this event has been rescheduled to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, January 21. See here: What is community? How should it feel and look like? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) develop the communal culture of the model community in Madinah? This interactive workshop will examine […]

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (in-person) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

Join our weekly sisters' in-person & virtual Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid and will begin reading Volume 2. Every Monday in-person & virtual | […]

Principles of Religion | Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh

Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh facilitates a 45-minute live Zoom session for sisters on the principles of religion, such as acts of worshipping Allah (swt), the good character of a Muslim, and more. These talks will be recorded and available on MCC’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram publicly. Ustadha Nihad will be using the book, "The Forty in the Fundamentals of Religion" by Al-Ghazali.12:30 […]

Principles of Religion | Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh

Ustadha Nihad Hemmoudeh facilitates a 45-minute live Zoom session for sisters on the principles of religion, such as acts of worshipping Allah (swt), the good character of a Muslim, and more. These talks will be recorded and available on MCC’s YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram publicly. Ustadha Nihad will be using the book, "The Forty in the Fundamentals of Religion" by Al-Ghazali.12:30 […]

Event Series Sisters’ Seerah Weekly Book Club

Women’s Seerah Bookclub (virtual) | Ustadha Leila Fakira

MCC East Bay 5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300, Pleasanton, CA, United States

Join our weekly sisters' virtual-only Seerah book club, where we have an active discussion, take away lessons for our daily lives, and inshaAllah fall in love with the Prophet ï·º. We are currently reading from, "The Prophetic Narrative" by Samira al-Zayid. RSVP for the live registration link below at RSVP is needed to join […]

The Soul’s Journey (virtual) | Sidi Shahryar Abbasi

Join Sidi Shahryar Abbasi every Wednesday until Ramadan '24 at 7 p.m. virtually to dive into the text, The Lives of Man, by Imam Abdallah Ibn Alawi Al-Haddad where we understand life's purpose, through the five stages of our journey to Allah (swt). Hosted at Lighthouse Mosque. Streamed only on MCC media channels. Watch past […]

Monthly Sisterhood Halaqa | Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi

Join Ustadha Hosai Mojaddidi for our monthly in-person and online gathering for women (ages 18+) to commune, reflect, discuss, and gain strength and support from each other. 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. […]

Jumu’ah Services @ MCC & Dublin Library

For MCC's Jumu'ah services on Friday, January 19, 2024: Please attend at 12:30 or 2:30 p.m. to avoid heavier second-service congestion whenever possible. Please note that the former HP lot […]