Throughout the year, we drift apart and away like beads on a slippery surface, a broken tasbih, waiting to be linked again. With Ramadan approaching, how do we reconnect ourselves? Join us with Dr. Zahra Murtaza, Sr. Zulaija Nieto, and Sidi Mahdy Amine for a night of reconnection with each other and with the Ramadan state of mind through reminders of how to cleanse our minds, bodies, and souls.
We will also have local vendors on site, and Halal Bites of Chicago! Join us with your family & friends!
4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. | Saturday. March 11 | Prayer Hall | RSVP at
To register as a vendor, visit:
Sponsored by Link Bay Area & MCC East Bay
About The Speakers:
Dr. Zahra Murtaza is a Clinical and Community Psychologist and a Bay Area native who provides mental health services to diverse children, teens, and young adults. She currently works at Children’s Health Council (CHC) in Palo Alto, CA, as a Licensed Staff Psychologist and Program Coordinator. She also works with Maristan in their Stanford Muslim Mental Health Initiative (MMHI), where she provides therapy to Muslim college students.
Sr. Zulaija Nieto was born and raised in Spain and considers herself a curious human being with a particular interest in holistic health. Zulaija got her Dietetics and Nutrition Science degree at University Pablo de Olavide in Spain and specializes as a wellness coach in California.
Sidi Mahdy Amine is a practicing lawyer who graduated from Zaytuna College in 2014. Mahdy has been teaching and serving as a chaplain for over 20 years.
– More Sidi Mahdy:
– More Ramadan lectures, sermons, programs & Tarawih reminders:
– More Ramadan Reflections:
– More Getting Ramadan Ready series reminders: