IRC Oakland is currently seeking compassionate landlords in the Bay Area to help the newly arrived refugees as they settle here in the Bay Area.
When refugees first arrive in this country, they have no credit history or employment, making landlords hesitant to rent to them. Assistance in locating housing and/or jobs is the fundamental way to help them succeed.
If you are a landlord in the Bay Area interested in helping out, please get in touch with
May God send someone as caring to you in your time of need as you are by helping rebuild the lives of those in need.

- Fill out this Google form if you’d like to be a resumé coach or job search mentor for someone fluent in English. Or email if you are fluent in Dari and want to help those who don’t yet have English skills.
- Make a gift from our Amazon wish list.
- Join the furniture delivery WhatsApp group to deliver apartment set-up supplies (larger vehicle needed).
- Offer like-new condition furniture here.
- Donate a bike of your time repairing or transporting bikes by signing up here.
- Learn about donating used cars here.
- Donate to the SRVIC Refugee Support Fund.
- Use this form to share housing or employment referrals and/or to indicate a willingness to co-sign on a lease.
- Please encourage others to sign up for our volunteer updates.
- Visit our Refugee Support page to learn how to help.
Do not drop off used items at the Muslim Community Center or San Ramon Valley Islamic Center.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at