
Saturday Morning Tajweed Class with Qari Amar Bellaha (mixed gender)

Learn to read the Qur’an with beauty and consistency from Qari Amar Bellaha, one of the Bay Area’s foremost Qur’anic teachers who leads MCC Qur’an and Hifz programs. For ages 16+ who can read the Quran in Arabic at a basic level (minimum requirement).

8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. | Saturdays | Sept. 7, 2023, to Ramadan 2024 | $75.00/month | No pre-testing necessary | Pre-registration form at

This yearlong class aims for male and female students to learn Tajwid at a basic or intermediate level. Rolling registration. Join anytime in this yearlong class from Fall to Spring with a break in Ramadan.

After completing the pre-registration form and receiving approval, students will register via email instructions to register for monthly tuition deductions and communications on MCC’s FACTS student management system.

MCC has a standing policy that financial need should never hold a person back from attaining religious knowledge offered within the four walls of the community center. To request a financial waiver or reduced tuition, please complete this application:

This class is in Qari Amar’s classroom – Classroom 9. Facility map



Who is this class for?
This yearlong class, Fall to Spring (with a break in Ramadan), is for any age 16+ male and female student who can currently read Arabic at the basic level. The goal is to learn Tajwid at a basic or intermediate level (based on the progress of the student). The class begins on September 7, 2023, and with Thanksgiving and winter break, ends on the Saturday before Ramadan starts, with the last class on Saturday, March 9, 2024. School schedule

Who is the instructor?
Raised in Morocco, Qari Amar Bellaha memorized the Qur’an at 17 from Madrasat Imam Nafia. He has ijaza for the Hafs and Warsh forms of Qur’anic recitation. In 1994 and 1995, he was awarded top prizes in the National Moroccan Tajweed competition. He is recognized internationally for his recitation’s beauty, clarity, and excellence and is one of the Bay area’s foremost Qur’an teachers. Hafiz Amar leads MCC’s Taraweeh prayers each Ramadan.

What is our class curriculum?
We use the textbook “Tajweed Made Easy” by Ruqaiyyah Islam. MCC provides the book to each student on his or her first day of class. Due to the one-on-one attention required in this class, space is limited to 23 students. As the name implies, this is a simplified tajwid book with easy-to-understand rules, recitation, and explanations. This book covers:

  • Points of articulation of letters;
  • Characteristics of letters;
  • Ghunna;
  • Qalqalah mechanisms;
  • Letters of elevation and lowness;
  • Letters of audibility and whisper;
  • Rules of noon sakinah and tanween;
  • Izhaar Halqui, Idghaam, Ikhfa, Iqlaab, and other special cases;
  • Meem sakinah rules and Lam sakinah rules, and;
  • Lengthening (Mudood rules) and so forth.

The book is broken up into eight units:

  • Unit 1
    • Introduction to Tajweed
    • Eqiuette of Recitation
    • Components of Tajweed
  • Unit 2
    • Points of Articulation
  • Unit 3
    • Letters with Opposites
    • Characteristics without Opposites
  • Unit 4
    • Rules of the Letter Ra
    • Rules of the Letter Lam
  • Unit 5
    • Rules of Nun Sakinah & Tanwin
    • Rules of Mim Sakinah
  • Unit 6
    • Special Types of Idgham
    • Rules of Hamzah
  • Unit 7
    • Asli or Tab’i Madd
    • Fara’i Madd due to a Hamzah
    • Fara’i Madd due to a Sukun
  • Unit 8
    • Huruf al-Muqatt’at
    • Rules of Stopping