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The Purpose of Fasting | Ustadh Ibrahim Qureshi

Throughout the year, we drift apart and away like beads on a slippery surface, a broken tasbih, waiting to be linked again. With Ramadan approaching, how do we reconnect ourselves? Geared towards youth and young professionals but open to all, join us as we chart your game plan for a fantastic, fruitful Ramadan. 3:30 p.m. […]

Monthly Sisterhood Hike | Sisters in the Outdoors

Coyote Hills Regional Park 8000 Patterson Ranch Rd, Fremont

Join us from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 3, for a Saturday morning hike at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Union City to get to know other sisters in the community and enjoy the great outdoors. This will be our last monthly hike before Ramadan. We will resume after Ramadan inshaAllah. No […]

*Canceled* Practically Preparing for Ramadan: Thrive This Ramadan | Imam Tahir Anwar

Join Imam Tahir Anwar for a pre-Ramadan Sunday afternoon workshop for practical spiritual tips and insights on what we can do to leverage this upcoming Ramadan for the maximum benefit of our Hereafter. 1:30 p.m. (Zuhr)  to 3:30 p.m. | Sunday, March 3 | Free | MCC Conference Room | Join us in-person only or […]

CAIR Immigration Clinic at MCC

CAIR-SFBA is hosting several upcoming immigration clinics. During this clinic, attorneys will provide free legal assistance with naturalization and fee waiver applications. Meet 1:1 with immigration attorneys to answer your immigration questions. To register for the clinic, please sign up here: Sunday, March 3 | 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. | MCC Conference Room | […]

Ramadan Proclamation | Dublin City Council

Join us as the City of Dublin officially proclaims and recognizes the month of Ramadan. Tuesday, March 5 | 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. | 100 Civic Plaza in Dublin, […]

Annual Eid Toy Drive for Zakat-Eligible Families

Please help us spread cheer to families in need during this blessed time by donating new unwrapped gifts (in person or online) to the MCC Girl Scouts’ 6th Annual Toy Drive. This year, we are collecting over 650 toys for local zakat-eligible families, including many refugee families assisted by MCC East Bay. Help us ensure […]

BSA Troop 119 Tables @ MCC Jumu’ahs

Boy Scout Troop 119 from Fremont will sell Ramadan date gift boxes for ten dollars to raise funds for their yearly activities.