Eid Al Adha ’23 will be celebrated on Wednesday, June 28.
Join us for one of five Eid prayers hosted by MCC East Bay & San Ramon Islamic Center (SRVIC). For prayers at the San Ramon Sports Park, registration is required for parking, and a free shuttle service is provided.
First Eid Prayer Service
Location: SRVIC Prayer Hall
7 a.m.: Eid prayer
*Please arrive at the Prayer Hall by 6:45 a.m.*
Khateeb: Hafiz Rehan Chisthy
Second Eid Prayer Service
Location: MCC East Bay Prayer Hall
7:30 a.m.: Eid prayer
*Please arrive at the Prayer Hall by 7:15 a.m.*
Khateeb: Sidi Masoud Qazen
Third Eid Prayer Service
Location: SRVIC Prayer Hall
8 a.m.: Eid prayer
*Please arrive at the Prayer Hall by 7:45 a.m.*
Khateeb: Mawlana Saaleh Baseer
Fourth Eid Prayer Service
Location: San Ramon Sports Park, 5261 Sherwood Way, San Ramon, CA 94582
9 a.m.: Eid prayer
*Please arrive at the prayer site by 8:45 a.m.*
Khateeb: Dr. Ali Ataie
RSVP for parking at mcceastbay.org/overflow
Fifth Eid Prayer Service
Location: San Ramon Sports Park, 5261 Sherwood Way, San Ramon, CA 94582
11 a.m.: Eid prayer
*Please arrive at the prayer site by 10:45 a.m.*
Khateeb: Hafiz Sami Rehman
RSVP for parking at mcceastbay.org/overflow
Please bring your prayer mat. This park has turf, and sitting and praying on this warm surface will be uncomfortable for those without mats.
No RSVP is required for the indoor prayer at SRVIC (7 a.m. and 8 a.m.) & MCC prayer (7:30 a.m.).
We will have very limited parking spaces at San Ramon Sports Park. Please RSVP for parking at Live Oak Elementary School, Windemere Ranch Middle School & Hidden Hills Elementary School. Free shuttle service is provided from Hidden Hills and Windemere Ranch.
Please factor in an extra 30 minutes for parking in an overflow lot and shuttling to the prayer site. Worshipers may also choose to take a 15-minute walk from Windemere Middle School. See shuttle routes for Hidden Hills and Windemere.
We ask that 9 a.m. worshippers leave by 10:30 a.m. to make room for attendees to the 11 a.m. service.
- RSVP at mcceastbay.org/overflow
- Serve your community by volunteering as a parking attendant: https://mcceastbay.org/eid-volunteer

Each Eid service will last about 30 minutes. The Eid prayer will begin promptly at 7 a.m., 7:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., and 11 a.m.
Please arrive early to accommodate parking. Bring your prayer mat and water bottle to the San Ramon Sports Park. Limited chairs provided.
For details about Qurbani, see here: https://mcceastbay.org/qurbani
Please also remember for Eid, the congregational salat is prayed first, and then worshipers listen to the Eid sermon afterward. Please stay seated during the sermon.
Please pull up this image on your phone to follow along with the Takbeers (that will begin 15 minutes before the Eid prayer). Takbeer sheets will also be provided.
Food Trucks
◾ Halal Bites will provide two food trucks: Mediterranean and Afghani, with limited menus.
◾ P’s Philly’s will have Philly Cheesesteaks.
◾ Mister Softee will provide two ice cream trucks arriving at 10 a.m.

MCC East Bay:
*The takbeerat begins 15 minutes prior to each Eid prayer, which begins promptly. The sermon follows the Eid prayer. Please remember that the Khutbah (sermon) follows each prayer so please pay attention attentively. Please also fast with the community on the blessed day of Arafat on Tuesday, June 27. This MCC is hosting its annual Arafat Iftar in 2023. What is Special About the Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah? – Shaykh Faid Mohammed Said: https://seekersguidance.org/articles/prophetic-guidance/blessing-ten-days-dhul-hijjah |
The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah said, “There are no days during which righteous action is so pleasing to Allah than these days (the first 10 days of Dhul HIjjah).” [Bukhari]
- – Read Qur’an
- – Make Dua
- – Increase Nawaafil (voluntary) prayers
- – Increase fasting
- – Increase Dhikr (supplications)
- – Increase charity
Questions? events@mcceastbay.org
Ibn ‘Abbas (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “There are no days during which the righteous action is so pleasing to Allah than these days (i.e., the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah).” He was asked: “O Messenger of Allah, not even Jihad in the Cause of Allah?” He (PBUH) replied, “Not even Jihad in the Cause of Allah, except in case one goes forth with his life and his property and does not return with either of it.” [Al- Bukhari]
It is a good sunnah to do Qurbani/Udhiyah to feed the poor in these times. Some scholars may have viewed it as obligatory, however, the majority see it as a voluntary (sunnah/mustahab) act. For those who wish to do Qurbani, it is mustahab (or voluntary sunnah) to avoid cutting hair and nails until the Qurbani is slaughtered. If you cut any hair or nails, however, your Qurbani is accepted and it has no effect on the slaughter.